Kentucky Medical Alert

How To Get A Medical Alert System In Kentucky
From Aberdeen to Zoe, we protect thousands of seniors in The Bluegrass State of Kentucky and nationwide. Protect yourself or an elderly loved one with a medical alert system and get peace of mind for everyone in the family! Systems start at under $1 a day with our award-winning customer service and 24/7 monitoring. Start by finding your city below, or call us at 1-855-272-1010.
Medical Care Alert Coverage In Kentucky
Coverage By City In Kentucky
We cover the entire State of Kentucky with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your city or town listed below.
 When you press your medical alert button you'll be connected to our Emergency Response Center. You'll speak with an EMT/EMD-Certified operator who knows WHO and WHERE you are. Depending on what you need, we'll contact family, neighbors, or alert life safety EMS to your location. All responders are local, getting you help fast.
Aberdeen, KY |
La Fayette, KY |
Adairville, KY |
La Grange, KY |
Adams, KY |
Lackey, KY |
Adolphus, KY |
Lancaster, KY |
Ages Brookside, KY |
Langley, KY |
Albany, KY |
Latonia, KY |
Alexandria, KY |
Lawrenceburg, KY |
Allegre, KY |
Lebanon Junction, KY |
Allen, KY |
Lebanon, KY |
Allensville, KY |
Leburn, KY |
Almo, KY |
Ledbetter, KY |
Alpha, KY |
Lee City, KY |
Alvaton, KY |
Leitchfield, KY |
Annville, KY |
Lejunior, KY |
Argillite, KY |
Lerose, KY |
Arjay, KY |
Letcher, KY |
Arlington, KY |
Lewisburg, KY |
Artemus, KY |
Lewisport, KY |
Ary, KY |
Lexington, KY |
Ashcamp, KY |
Liberty, KY |
Asher, KY |
Lick Creek, KY |
Ashland, KY |
Lily, KY |
Athol, KY |
Lindseyville, KY |
Auburn, KY |
Linefork, KY |
Augusta, KY |
Littcarr, KY |
Austin, KY |
Livermore, KY |
Auxier, KY |
Livingston, KY |
Avawam, KY |
Lloyd, KY |
Bagdad, KY |
Lockport, KY |
Bakerton, KY |
London, KY |
Bandana, KY |
Lone, KY |
Banner, KY |
Lookout, KY |
Barbourville, KY |
Loretto, KY |
Bardstown, KY |
Lost Creek, KY |
Bardwell, KY |
Louisa, KY |
Barlow, KY |
Louisville, KY |
Baskett, KY |
Lovelaceville, KY |
Battletown, KY |
Lovely, KY |
Baxter, KY |
Lowes, KY |
Bays, KY |
Lowmansville, KY |
Bear Branch, KY |
Loyall, KY |
Beattyville, KY |
Lucas, KY |
Beaumont, KY |
Lynch, KY |
Beauty, KY |
Lynnville, KY |
Beaver Dam, KY |
Maceo, KY |
Beaver, KY |
Mackville, KY |
Bedford, KY |
Madisonville, KY |
Bee Spring, KY |
Magnolia, KY |
Beech Creek, KY |
Majestic, KY |
Beech Grove, KY |
Mallie, KY |
Beechmont, KY |
Malone, KY |
Belcher, KY |
Mammoth Cave, KY |
Belfry, KY |
Manchester, KY |
Bellevue, KY |
Manitou, KY |
Belton, KY |
Mannsville, KY |
Benham, KY |
Maple Mount, KY |
Benton, KY |
Marion, KY |
Berea, KY |
Marrowbone, KY |
Berry, KY |
Marshes Siding, KY |
Bethany, KY |
Martha, KY |
Bethelridge, KY |
Martin, KY |
Bethlehem, KY |
Mary Alice, KY |
Betsy Layne, KY |
Marydell, KY |
Beverly, KY |
Mason, KY |
Bevinsville, KY |
Masonic Home, KY |
Big Clifty, KY |
Mayfield, KY |
Big Creek, KY |
Mayking, KY |
Big Laurel, KY |
Mayslick, KY |
Bighill, KY |
Maysville, KY |
Bimble, KY |
Mazie, KY |
Blackey, KY |
Mc Andrews, KY |
Blackford, KY |
Mc Carr, KY |
Blaine, KY |
Mc Daniels, KY |
Bledsoe, KY |
Mc Dowell, KY |
Bloomfield, KY |
Mc Henry, KY |
Blue River, KY |
Mc Kee, KY |
Boaz, KY |
Mc Kinney, KY |
Bonnieville, KY |
Mc Quady, KY |
Bonnyman, KY |
Mc Roberts, KY |
Booneville, KY |
Mc Veigh, KY |
Boons Camp, KY |
Meally, KY |
Boston, KY |
Means, KY |
Bowling Green, KY |
Melber, KY |
Bradfordsville, KY |
Melbourne, KY |
Brandenburg, KY |
Melvin, KY |
Breeding, KY |
Middleburg, KY |
Bremen, KY |
Middlesboro, KY |
Brodhead, KY |
Midway, KY |
Bronston, KY |
Milburn, KY |
Brooklyn, KY |
Milford, KY |
Brooks, KY |
Mill Springs, KY |
Brooksville, KY |
Millersburg, KY |
Browder, KY |
Millstone, KY |
Brownsville, KY |
Millwood, KY |
Bryants Store, KY |
Milton, KY |
Bryantsville, KY |
Minerva, KY |
Buckhorn, KY |
Minnie, KY |
Buckner, KY |
Miracle, KY |
Buffalo, KY |
Mistletoe, KY |
Bulan, KY |
Mitchellsburg, KY |
Burdine, KY |
Mize, KY |
Burgin, KY |
Monticello, KY |
Burkesville, KY |
Moorefield, KY |
Burlington, KY |
Morehead, KY |
Burna, KY |
Morganfield, KY |
Burnside, KY |
Morgantown, KY |
Bush, KY |
Morning View, KY |
Busy, KY |
Mortons Gap, KY |
Butler, KY |
Mount Eden, KY |
Bypro, KY |
Mount Hermon, KY |
Cadiz, KY |
Mount Olivet, KY |
Calhoun, KY |
Mount Sherman, KY |
California, KY |
Mount Sterling, KY |
Calvert City, KY |
Mount Vernon, KY |
Calvin, KY |
Mount Washington, KY |
Campbellsburg, KY |
Mousie, KY |
Campbellsville, KY |
Mouthcard, KY |
Campton, KY |
Mozelle, KY |
Canada, KY |
Muldraugh, KY |
Cane Valley, KY |
Munfordville, KY |
Caneyville, KY |
Murray, KY |
Canmer, KY |
Muses Mills, KY |
Cannel City, KY |
Myra, KY |
Cannon, KY |
Nancy, KY |
Carlisle, KY |
Nazareth, KY |
Carrie, KY |
Nebo, KY |
Carrollton, KY |
Neon, KY |
Carter, KY |
Nerinx, KY |
Catlettsburg, KY |
Nevisdale, KY |
Cave City, KY |
New Castle, KY |
Cawood, KY |
New Concord, KY |
Cecilia, KY |
New Haven, KY |
Center, KY |
New Hope, KY |
Centertown, KY |
New Liberty, KY |
Central City, KY |
Newport, KY |
Cerulean, KY |
Nicholasville, KY |
Chaplin, KY |
North Middletown, KY |
Chappell, KY |
Nortonville, KY |
Chavies, KY |
Oak Grove, KY |
Cisco, KY |
Oakland, KY |
Clarkson, KY |
Oil Springs, KY |
Clay City, KY |
Olaton, KY |
Clay, KY |
Olive Hill, KY |
Clayhole, KY |
Olmstead, KY |
Clearfield, KY |
Olympia, KY |
Cleaton, KY |
Oneida, KY |
Clermont, KY |
Ophir, KY |
Clifty, KY |
Orlando, KY |
Clinton, KY |
Owensboro, KY |
Closplint, KY |
Owenton, KY |
Cloverport, KY |
Owingsville, KY |
Coalgood, KY |
Paducah, KY |
Coldiron, KY |
Paint Lick, KY |
Columbia, KY |
Paintsville, KY |
Columbus, KY |
Paris, KY |
Combs, KY |
Park City, KY |
Confluence, KY |
Parkers Lake, KY |
Corbin, KY |
Parksville, KY |
Corinth, KY |
Partridge, KY |
Cornettsville, KY |
Pathfork, KY |
Corydon, KY |
Payneville, KY |
Covington, KY |
Pellville, KY |
Coxs Creek, KY |
Pembroke, KY |
Crab Orchard, KY |
Pendleton, KY |
Cranks, KY |
Peoples, KY |
Crayne, KY |
Perry Park, KY |
Crestwood, KY |
Perryville, KY |
Crittenden, KY |
Petersburg, KY |
Crockett, KY |
Pewee Valley, KY |
Crofton, KY |
Phelps, KY |
Cromona, KY |
Philpot, KY |
Cromwell, KY |
Phyllis, KY |
Cub Run, KY |
Pikeville, KY |
Cumberland, KY |
Pilgrim, KY |
Cunningham, KY |
Pine Knot, KY |
Curdsville, KY |
Pine Ridge, KY |
Custer, KY |
Pine Top, KY |
Cynthiana, KY |
Pineville, KY |
Dabolt, KY |
Pinsonfork, KY |
Dana, KY |
Pippa Passes, KY |
Danville, KY |
Pittsburg, KY |
David, KY |
Pleasureville, KY |
Dawson Springs, KY |
Plummers Landing, KY |
Dayhoit, KY |
Poole, KY |
Dayton, KY |
Port Royal, KY |
De Mossville, KY |
Powderly, KY |
Deane, KY |
Premium, KY |
Debord, KY |
Preston, KY |
Delphia, KY |
Prestonsburg, KY |
Dema, KY |
Primrose, KY |
Denniston, KY |
Princeton, KY |
Denton, KY |
Printer, KY |
Dewitt, KY |
Prospect, KY |
Dexter, KY |
Providence, KY |
Dice, KY |
Provo, KY |
Dixon, KY |
Putney, KY |
Dorton, KY |
Quincy, KY |
Dover, KY |
Raccoon, KY |
Drake, KY |
Radcliff, KY |
Drakesboro, KY |
Ransom, KY |
Drift, KY |
Raven, KY |
Dry Ridge, KY |
Ravenna, KY |
Dubre, KY |
Raywick, KY |
Dunbar, KY |
Redfox, KY |
Dundee, KY |
Reed, KY |
Dunmor, KY |
Regina, KY |
Dunnville, KY |
Renfro Valley, KY |
Dwale, KY |
Revelo, KY |
Dwarf, KY |
Reynolds Station, KY |
Dycusburg, KY |
Rhodelia, KY |
Earlington, KY |
Ricetown, KY |
East Bernstadt, KY |
Richardsville, KY |
East Point, KY |
Richmond, KY |
Eastern, KY |
Rineyville, KY |
Eastview, KY |
River, KY |
Eastwood, KY |
Roark, KY |
Eddyville, KY |
Robards, KY |
Edmonton, KY |
Robinson Creek, KY |
Edna, KY |
Rochester, KY |
Eighty Eight, KY |
Rockfield, KY |
Ekron, KY |
Rockholds, KY |
Elizabethtown, KY |
Rockhouse, KY |
Elizaville, KY |
Rockport, KY |
Elk Horn, KY |
Rocky Hill, KY |
Elkfork, KY |
Rogers, KY |
Elkhorn City, KY |
Rosine, KY |
Elkton, KY |
Roundhill, KY |
Elliottville, KY |
Rousseau, KY |
Elsie, KY |
Rowdy, KY |
Emerson, KY |
Roxana, KY |
Eminence, KY |
Royalton, KY |
Emlyn, KY |
Rumsey, KY |
Emmalena, KY |
Rush, KY |
Eolia, KY |
Russell Springs, KY |
Eriline, KY |
Russell, KY |
Erlanger, KY |
Russellville, KY |
Ermine, KY |
Sacramento, KY |
Essie, KY |
Sadieville, KY |
Etoile, KY |
Saint Catharine, KY |
Eubank, KY |
Saint Charles, KY |
Evarts, KY |
Saint Francis, KY |
Ewing, KY |
Saint Helens, KY |
Ezel, KY |
Saint Mary, KY |
Fairdale, KY |
Salem, KY |
Fairfield, KY |
Salt Lick, KY |
Fairplay, KY |
Salvisa, KY |
Fairview, KY |
Salyersville, KY |
Falcon, KY |
Sanders, KY |
Fall Rock, KY |
Sandgap, KY |
Falls of Rough, KY |
Sandy Hook, KY |
Falmouth, KY |
Sassafras, KY |
Fancy Farm, KY |
Saul, KY |
Farmers, KY |
Scalf, KY |
Farmington, KY |
Science Hill, KY |
Fedscreek, KY |
Scottsville, KY |
Ferguson, KY |
Scuddy, KY |
Finchville, KY |
SE Ree, KY |
Firebrick, KY |
Sebree, KY |
Fisherville, KY |
Seco, KY |
Fisty, KY |
Sedalia, KY |
Flat Lick, KY |
Sextons Creek, KY |
Flatgap, KY |
Sharon Grove, KY |
Flatwoods, KY |
Sharpsburg, KY |
Flemingsburg, KY |
Shelbiana, KY |
Florence, KY |
Shelby Gap, KY |
Ford, KY |
Shelbyville, KY |
Fords Branch, KY |
Shepherdsville, KY |
Fordsville, KY |
Sidney, KY |
Forest Hills, KY |
Siler, KY |
Fort Campbell, KY |
Silver Grove, KY |
Fort Knox, KY |
Simpsonville, KY |
Fort Mitchell, KY |
Sitka, KY |
Fort Thomas, KY |
Sizerock, KY |
Foster, KY |
Slade, KY |
Fountain Run, KY |
Slaughters, KY |
Fourmile, KY |
Slemp, KY |
Frakes, KY |
Smilax, KY |
Frankfort, KY |
Smith Mills, KY |
Franklin, KY |
Smithfield, KY |
Fredonia, KY |
Smithland, KY |
Freeburn, KY |
Smiths Grove, KY |
Frenchburg, KY |
Soldier, KY |
Fulton, KY |
Somerset, KY |
Gamaliel, KY |
Sonora, KY |
Gapville, KY |
South Carrollton, KY |
Garfield, KY |
South Portsmouth, KY |
Garner, KY |
South Shore, KY |
Garrard, KY |
South Union, KY |
Garrett, KY |
South Williamson, KY |
Garrison, KY |
Sparta, KY |
Gays Creek, KY |
Spottsville, KY |
Georgetown, KY |
Springfield, KY |
Germantown, KY |
Staffordsville, KY |
Ghent, KY |
Stambaugh, KY |
Gilbertsville, KY |
Stamping Ground, KY |
Girdler, KY |
Stanford, KY |
Glasgow, KY |
Stanley, KY |
Glencoe, KY |
Stanton, KY |
Glendale, KY |
Stanville, KY |
Glens Fork, KY |
Stearns, KY |
Glenview, KY |
Steele, KY |
Goose Rock, KY |
Stephensport, KY |
Gordon, KY |
Stinnett, KY |
Goshen, KY |
Stone, KY |
Gracey, KY |
Stoney Fork, KY |
Gradyville, KY |
Stopover, KY |
Graham, KY |
Strunk, KY |
Grahn, KY |
Sturgis, KY |
Grand Rivers, KY |
Sullivan, KY |
Gravel Switch, KY |
Sulphur, KY |
Gray Hawk, KY |
Summer Shade, KY |
Gray, KY |
Summersville, KY |
Grays Knob, KY |
Summit, KY |
Grayson, KY |
Sweeden, KY |
Green Road, KY |
Symsonia, KY |
Greensburg, KY |
Tateville, KY |
Greenup, KY |
Taylorsville, KY |
Greenville, KY |
Teaberry, KY |
Grethel, KY |
Thelma, KY |
Gulston, KY |
Thornton, KY |
Gunlock, KY |
Thousandsticks, KY |
Guston, KY |
Tiline, KY |
Guthrie, KY |
Tollesboro, KY |
Hadley, KY |
Tolu, KY |
Hagerhill, KY |
Tomahawk, KY |
Haldeman, KY |
Tompkinsville, KY |
Halfway, KY |
Topmost, KY |
Hallie, KY |
Totz, KY |
Hampton, KY |
Tram, KY |
Hanson, KY |
Trenton, KY |
Happy, KY |
Trosper, KY |
Hardburly, KY |
Turners Station, KY |
Hardin, KY |
Tutor Key, KY |
Hardinsburg, KY |
Tyner, KY |
Hardy, KY |
Ulysses, KY |
Hardyville, KY |
Union Star, KY |
Harlan, KY |
Union, KY |
Harned, KY |
Uniontown, KY |
Harold, KY |
Upton, KY |
Harrods Creek, KY |
Utica, KY |
Harrodsburg, KY |
Van Lear, KY |
Hartford, KY |
Vanceburg, KY |
Hawesville, KY |
Vancleve, KY |
Hazard, KY |
Varney, KY |
Hazel Green, KY |
Verona, KY |
Hazel, KY |
Versailles, KY |
Hebron, KY |
Vest, KY |
Heidelberg, KY |
Vicco, KY |
Heidrick, KY |
Vincent, KY |
Hellier, KY |
Vine Grove, KY |
Helton, KY |
Viper, KY |
Henderson, KY |
Virgie, KY |
Herndon, KY |
Waco, KY |
Hestand, KY |
Waddy, KY |
Hi Hat, KY |
Walker, KY |
Hickman, KY |
Wallingford, KY |
Hickory, KY |
Wallins Creek, KY |
Hillsboro, KY |
Walton, KY |
Hima, KY |
Waneta, KY |
Hindman, KY |
Warbranch, KY |
Hinkle, KY |
Warfield, KY |
Hiseville, KY |
Warsaw, KY |
Hitchins, KY |
Washington, KY |
Hodgenville, KY |
Water Valley, KY |
Holland, KY |
Waterview, KY |
Holmes Mill, KY |
Waverly, KY |
Hope, KY |
Wayland, KY |
Hopkinsville, KY |
Waynesburg, KY |
Horse Branch, KY |
Webbville, KY |
Horse Cave, KY |
Webster, KY |
Hoskinston, KY |
Weeksbury, KY |
Huddy, KY |
Welchs Creek, KY |
Hudson, KY |
Wellington, KY |
Hueysville, KY |
Wendover, KY |
Hulen, KY |
West Liberty, KY |
Huntsville, KY |
West Louisville, KY |
Hustonville, KY |
West Paducah, KY |
Hyden, KY |
West Point, KY |
Independence, KY |
West Somerset, KY |
Inez, KY |
West Van Lear, KY |
Ingram, KY |
Westport, KY |
Irvine, KY |
Westview, KY |
Irvington, KY |
Wheatcroft, KY |
Island City, KY |
Wheelwright, KY |
Island, KY |
Whick, KY |
Isom, KY |
White Mills, KY |
Isonville, KY |
White Plains, KY |
Ivel, KY |
Whitesburg, KY |
Jackhorn, KY |
Whitesville, KY |
Jackson, KY |
Whitley City, KY |
Jamestown, KY |
Wickliffe, KY |
Jeff, KY |
Wildie, KY |
Jeffersonville, KY |
Willard, KY |
Jenkins, KY |
Williamsburg, KY |
Jeremiah, KY |
Williamsport, KY |
Jetson, KY |
Williamstown, KY |
Jonancy, KY |
Willisburg, KY |
Jonesville, KY |
Wilmore, KY |
Junction City, KY |
Winchester, KY |
Keaton, KY |
Windsor, KY |
Keavy, KY |
Wingo, KY |
Keene, KY |
Winston, KY |
Kenton, KY |
Wittensville, KY |
Kenvir, KY |
Woodbine, KY |
Kettle Island, KY |
Woodburn, KY |
Kevil, KY |
Woodbury, KY |
Kimper, KY |
Woollum, KY |
Kings Mountain, KY |
Wooton, KY |
Kirksey, KY |
Worthington, KY |
Kite, KY |
Worthville, KY |
Knifley, KY |
Wrigley, KY |
Knob Lick, KY |
Yeaddiss, KY |
Krypton, KY |
Yerkes, KY |
Kuttawa, KY |
Yosemite, KY |
La Center, KY |
Zoe, KY |
Coverage In Kentucky By County
We cover the entire State of Kentucky with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your county listed below.
Adair County |
Knox County |
Allen County |
Larue County |
Anderson County |
Laurel County |
Ballard County |
Lawrence County |
Barren County |
Lee County |
Bath County |
Leslie County |
Bell County |
Letcher County |
Boone County |
Lewis County |
Bourbon County |
Lincoln County |
Boyd County |
Livingston County |
Boyle County |
Logan County |
Bracken County |
Lyon County |
Breathitt County |
Madison County |
Breckinridge County |
Magoffin County |
Bullitt County |
Marion County |
Butler County |
Marshall County |
Caldwell County |
Martin County |
Calloway County |
Mason County |
Campbell County |
McCracken County |
Carlisle County |
McCreary County |
Carroll County |
McLean County |
Carter County |
Meade County |
Casey County |
Menifee County |
Christian County |
Mercer County |
Clark County |
Metcalfe County |
Clay County |
Monroe County |
Clinton County |
Montgomery County |
Crittenden County |
Morgan County |
Cumberland County |
Muhlenberg County |
Daviess County |
Nelson County |
Edmonson County |
Nicholas County |
Elliott County |
Ohio County |
Estill County |
Oldham County |
Fayette County |
Owen County |
Fleming County |
Owsley County |
Floyd County |
Pendleton County |
Franklin County |
Perry County |
Fulton County |
Pike County |
Gallatin County |
Powell County |
Garrard County |
Pulaski County |
Grant County |
Robertson County |
Graves County |
Rockcastle County |
Grayson County |
Rowan County |
Green County |
Russell County |
Greenup County |
Scott County |
Hancock County |
Shelby County |
Hardin County |
Simpson County |
Harlan County |
Spencer County |
Harrison County |
Taylor County |
Hart County |
Todd County |
Henderson County |
Trigg County |
Henry County |
Trimble County |
Hickman County |
Union County |
Hopkins County |
Warren County |
Jackson County |
Washington County |
Jefferson County |
Wayne County |
Jessamine County |
Webster County |
Johnson County |
Whitley County |
Kenton County |
Wolfe County |
Knott County |
Woodford County |
Coverage in Kentucky by Zip Code
We ship via USPS Priority Mail to all Kentucky Zip Codes - If you require overnight shipping, or don't see your zip code listed below please call us at 1-855-272-1010.
We cover the entire State of Kentucky with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your zip code listed below.
40003 |
40827 |
41746 |
40004 |
40828 |
41747 |
40006 |
40829 |
41749 |
40007 |
40830 |
41751 |
40008 |
40831 |
41754 |
40009 |
40840 |
41759 |
40010 |
40843 |
41760 |
40011 |
40844 |
41762 |
40012 |
40845 |
41763 |
40013 |
40847 |
41764 |
40014 |
40849 |
41766 |
40018 |
40854 |
41772 |
40019 |
40855 |
41773 |
40020 |
40856 |
41774 |
40022 |
40858 |
41775 |
40023 |
40862 |
41776 |
40025 |
40863 |
41777 |
40026 |
40865 |
41778 |
40027 |
40867 |
41804 |
40031 |
40868 |
41810 |
40032 |
40870 |
41812 |
40033 |
40873 |
41815 |
40036 |
40874 |
41817 |
40037 |
40902 |
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40040 |
40903 |
41821 |
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41822 |
40045 |
40913 |
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40914 |
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What resources are available for elderly seniors in Kentucky?
While not an exhaustive list, below are some agencies in Kentucky that can help you get started.
- Kentucky Department For Aging and Independent Living: Kentucky DAIL
- Kentucky State Senior Services Help Line: 502-564-6930
- Kentucky Elder Abuse Hotline: 800-752-6200
How much does a medical alert system in Kentucky cost?
The medical alert button cost is included in the price of your medical alert system - prices range from $27.45 to $45.79 a month for service. Our "HOME" annual plan pricing is just $27.45 a month. If you need an extra medical alert button, they are available for a small cost of $29.95 - $60.00 depending on the system type, click here to see the HOME Medical Alert Button. For around $1 a day, you or your loved one will be protected and able to continue living independently. Kentucky residents must complete a form acknowledging their rights in compliance with the "Christine Talley Act" SB57 enacted in 2008 allowing the subscriber to specify whether they want the emergency contact center to first contact 911 upon a button press, or to first contact the people listed on the emergency contact list prior to dispatching 911. This form must be signed and returned to us prior to sending the system to the subscriber. Specifically, the law outlines the subscriber's rights to the following:
- Let the customer designate 911 as the first place to be called if the customer signals for help. The contract must include a clear disclosure of this right, signed or checked by the customer.
- Let the customer choose the order for contacting those on the call list if the customer signals for help.
- Let the customer specify that 911 be called if the customer does not verbally respond when the PERS provider checks with the customer after receiving a signal for help.
- Provide that if the customer does not designate 911 as the first call, 911 will by default be called after the PERS provider has tried without success to contact the people on the customer’s call list.
- Require the PERS provider to give certain information to 911 when calling there (i.e., name, location).
- Provide that after calling 911 the PERS provider must try to contact the people on the call list unless the customer gives other verbal directions at that time.
This law and requirement is specific to residents of the state of Kentucky only.
Can the button go with me if I move or am on vacation?
You can easily take our "HOME" or "HOME & YARD" systems with you on vacation, or if you are a SnowBird. It is very easy to unplug and re-install. Simply notify Medical Care Alert Customer Service at 877-913-3680 of your current location. Information can be changed anytime and as many times as needed at no charge.
Our "HOME & AWAY" systems can be taken anywhere in the USA. You will be protected anywhere you have coverage with the AT&T or Verizon Wireless network.
See What Kentucky Residents Say About Medical Care Alert:
Kentucky Fun Fact: Kentucky is the Disco ball capital of the world. 90% of the disco balls made in the USA are produced in Louisville, Kentucky.
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