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Idaho Medical Alert

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How To Get A Medical Alert System In Idaho

From Aberdeen to Yellow Pine, we protect thousands of seniors in The Gem State of Idaho and nationwide. Protect yourself or an elderly loved one with a medical alert system and get peace of mind for the whole family! Our Medical Alert Systems start at under $1 a day with our award-winning customer service and 24/7 monitoring. Start by finding your city in ID below, or call us at 1-855-272-1010.

medical alert reviews in Idaho

Medical Care Alert Coverage In Idaho

Coverage By City In Idaho

We cover the entire State of Idaho with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your city or town listed below.

How It Works
When you press your medical alert button you'll be connected to our Emergency Response Center. You'll speak with an EMT/EMD-Certified operator who knows WHO and WHERE you are. Depending on what you need, we'll contact family, neighbors, or alert life safety EMS to your location. All responders are local, getting you help fast.

Aberdeen, ID Lake Fork, ID
Ahsahka, ID Lapwai, ID
Albion, ID Lava Hot Springs, ID
Almo, ID Leadore, ID
American Falls, ID Lemhi, ID
Arbon, ID Lenore, ID
Arco, ID Letha, ID
Arimo, ID Lewiston, ID
Ashton, ID Lewisville, ID
Athol, ID Lowman, ID
Atlanta, ID Lucile, ID
Atomic City, ID Mackay, ID
Avery, ID Macks Inn, ID
Bancroft, ID Malad City, ID
Banks, ID Malta, ID
Basalt, ID Marsing, ID
Bayview, ID May, ID
Bellevue, ID McCall, ID
Bern, ID McCammon, ID
Blackfoot, ID Medimont, ID
Blanchard, ID Melba, ID
Bliss, ID Menan, ID
Bloomington, ID Meridian, ID
Boise, ID Mesa, ID
Bonners Ferry, ID Middleton, ID
Bovill, ID Midvale, ID
Bruneau, ID Minidoka, ID
Buhl, ID Monteview, ID
Burley, ID Montpelier, ID
Calder, ID Moore, ID
Caldwell, ID Moreland, ID
Cambridge, ID Moscow, ID
Carey, ID Mountain Home, ID
Careywood, ID Mountain Home A F B, ID
Carmen, ID Moyie Springs, ID
Cascade, ID Mullan, ID
Castleford, ID Murphy, ID
Cataldo, ID Murray, ID
Challis, ID Murtaugh, ID
Chester, ID Nampa, ID
Clark Fork, ID Naples, ID
Clarkia, ID New Meadows, ID
Clayton, ID New Plymouth, ID
Clifton, ID Newdale, ID
Cobalt, ID Nezperce, ID
Cocolalla, ID Nordman, ID
Coeur d Alene, ID North Fork, ID
Colburn, ID Notus, ID
Conda, ID Oakley, ID
Coolin, ID Ola, ID
Corral, ID Oldtown, ID
Cottonwood, ID Orofino, ID
Council, ID Osburn, ID
Craigmont, ID Paris, ID
Culdesac, ID Parker, ID
Dayton, ID Parma, ID
Deary, ID Paul, ID
Declo, ID Payette, ID
Desmet, ID Peck, ID
Dietrich, ID Picabo, ID
Dingle, ID Pierce, ID
Donnelly, ID Pinehurst, ID
Dover, ID Pingree, ID
Downey, ID Placerville, ID
Driggs, ID Plummer, ID
Dubois, ID Pocatello, ID
Eagle, ID Pollock, ID
Eastport, ID Ponderay, ID
Eden, ID Porthill, ID
Elk City, ID Post Falls, ID
Elk River, ID Potlatch, ID
Ellis, ID Preston, ID
Emmett, ID Priest River, ID
Fairfield, ID Princeton, ID
Felt, ID Rathdrum, ID
Fenn, ID Reubens, ID
Ferdinand, ID Rexburg, ID
Fernwood, ID Richfield, ID
Filer, ID Rigby, ID
Firth, ID Riggins, ID
Fish Haven, ID Ririe, ID
Fort Hall, ID Roberts, ID
Franklin, ID Rockland, ID
Fruitland, ID Rogerson, ID
Fruitvale, ID Rupert, ID
Garden City, ID Sagle, ID
Garden Valley, ID Saint Anthony, ID
Genesee, ID Saint Charles, ID
Geneva, ID Saint Maries, ID
Georgetown, ID Salmon, ID
Gibbonsville, ID Samuels, ID
Glenns Ferry, ID Sandpoint, ID
Gooding, ID Santa, ID
Grace, ID Shelley, ID
Grand View, ID Shoshone, ID
Grangeville, ID Shoup, ID
Greencreek, ID Silverton, ID
Greenleaf, ID Smelterville, ID
Hagerman, ID Soda Springs, ID
Hailey, ID Spalding, ID
Hamer, ID Spencer, ID
Hammett, ID Spirit Lake, ID
Hansen, ID Springfield, ID
Harrison, ID Squirrel, ID
Harvard, ID Stanley, ID
Hayden, ID Star, ID
Hazelton, ID Stites, ID
Heyburn, ID Sugar City, ID
Hill City, ID Sun Valley, ID
Holbrook, ID Swan Valley, ID
Homedale, ID Swanlake, ID
Hope, ID Sweet, ID
Horseshoe Bend, ID Tendoy, ID
Howe, ID Tensed, ID
Huston, ID Terreton, ID
Idaho City, ID Teton, ID
Idaho Falls, ID Tetonia, ID
Indian Valley, ID Thatcher, ID
Inkom, ID Troy, ID
Iona, ID Twin Falls, ID
Irwin, ID Ucon, ID
Island Park, ID Victor, ID
Jerome, ID Viola, ID
Juliaetta, ID Wallace, ID
Kamiah, ID Warren, ID
Kellogg, ID Wayan, ID
Kendrick, ID Weippe, ID
Ketchum, ID Weiser, ID
Kimberly, ID Wendell, ID
King Hill, ID Weston, ID
Kingston, ID White Bird, ID
Kooskia, ID Wilder, ID
Kootenai, ID Winchester, ID
Kuna, ID Worley, ID
Laclede, ID Yellow Pine, ID
We cover the entire State of Idaho with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your county listed below.
Ada County Gem County
Adams County Gooding County
Bannock County Idaho County
Bear Lake County Jefferson County
Benewah County Jerome County
Bingham County Kootenai County
Blaine County Latah County
Boise County Lemhi County
Bonner County Lewis County
Bonneville County Lincoln County
Boundary County Madison County
Butte County Minidoka County
Camas County Nez Perce County
Canyon County Oneida County
Caribou County Owyhee County
Cassia County Payette County
Clark County Power County
Clearwater County Shoshone County
Custer County Teton County
Elmore County Twin Falls County
Franklin County Valley County
Fremont County Washington County

We ship via USPS Priority Mail to all Idaho Zip Codes - If you require overnight shipping, or don't see your zip code listed below please call us at 1-855-272-1010.

We cover the entire State of Idaho with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your zip code listed below.

83201 83429 83671
83202 83431 83672
83203 83433 83676
83204 83434 83677
83205 83435 83680
83206 83436 83686
83209 83438 83687
83210 83440 83701
83211 83441 83702
83212 83442 83703
83213 83443 83704
83214 83444 83705
83215 83445 83706
83217 83446 83707
83218 83447 83708
83220 83448 83709
83221 83449 83711
83223 83450 83712
83226 83451 83713
83227 83452 83714
83228 83454 83715
83229 83455 83716
83230 83460 83717
83232 83462 83719
83233 83463 83720
83234 83464 83721
83235 83465 83722
83236 83466 83723
83237 83467 83724
83238 83468 83725
83239 83469 83726
83241 83501 83727
83243 83520 83728
83244 83522 83729
83245 83523 83730
83246 83524 83731
83250 83525 83732
83251 83526 83733
83252 83530 83735
83253 83531 83744
83254 83533 83756
83255 83535 83757
83256 83536 83788
83261 83537 83799
83262 83539 83801
83263 83540 83802
83271 83541 83803
83272 83542 83804
83274 83543 83805
83276 83544 83806
83277 83545 83808
83278 83546 83809
83281 83547 83810
83283 83548 83811
83285 83549 83812
83286 83551 83813
83287 83552 83814
83301 83553 83815
83302 83554 83816
83303 83555 83821
83311 83601 83822
83312 83602 83823
83313 83604 83824
83314 83605 83825
83316 83606 83826
83318 83607 83827
83320 83610 83830
83321 83611 83832
83322 83612 83833
83323 83615 83834
83324 83616 83835
83325 83617 83836
83327 83619 83837
83328 83620 83839
83330 83622 83840
83332 83623 83841
83333 83624 83842
83334 83626 83843
83335 83627 83844
83336 83628 83845
83337 83629 83846
83338 83630 83847
83340 83631 83848
83341 83632 83849
83342 83633 83850
83343 83634 83851
83344 83635 83852
83346 83636 83853
83347 83637 83854
83348 83638 83855
83349 83639 83856
83350 83641 83857
83352 83642 83858
83353 83643 83860
83354 83644 83861
83355 83645 83862
83401 83647 83864
83402 83648 83865
83403 83650 83866
83404 83651 83867
83405 83652 83868
83406 83653 83869
83415 83654 83870
83420 83655 83871
83421 83656 83872
83422 83657 83873
83423 83660 83874
83424 83661 83876
83425 83666 83877
83427 83669 83888
83428 83670  

While not an exhaustive list, below are some agencies in Idaho that can help you get started.

  • Idaho State Area Agencies on Aging: Idaho Commission On Aging
  • Idaho State Senior Services Help Line: Contact Local Agency on Aging 1-877-471-2777
  • Idaho State Senior Services Email Contact: Contact local Area Agency on Aging Office
The medical alert button cost is included in the price of your medical alert system - prices range from $29.95 to $45.79 a month for service. Our basic "HOME" annual plan pricing is just $19.95 a month. If you need an extra medical alert button, they are available for a small cost of $29.95 - $60.00 depending on the system type, click here to see the HOME Medical Alert Button. For around $1 a day, you or your loved one will be protected and able to continue living independently. We also have a Smart Watch with GPS tracking capabilities available.

You can easily take our "HOME" systems with you on vacation, or if you are a Snow-Bird. It is very easy to unplug and re-install. Simply notify Medical Care Alert Customer Service at 877-913-3680 of your current location. Information can be changed anytime and as many times as needed at no charge.

Our "HOME & AWAY" or "SmartWatch" systems can be taken anywhere in the USA. You will be protected anywhere you have coverage with the AT&T, Verizon or T-mobile Wireless networks (depending on which system you have).

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See What Idaho Residents Say About Medical Care Alert:

Idaho Fun Fact: In 2004 the mayor of Wallace, ID (population 800) declared his town as the Center of the Universe. A manhole cover was made to mark this declaration and the place he said determined was the center.

Idaho's Top Rated Medical Alert System

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