Dallas, Texas Medical Alert

How To Get A Medical Alert System In Dallas, Texas
We proudly service the entire Dallas-Fort Worth Arlington area with our life saving medical alert systems. We protect thousands of seniors throughout Texas, and nationwide. Protect yourself or an elderly loved one with a medical alert system and get peace of mind for the whole family! Our Medical Alert Systems start at under $1 a day with our award-winning customer service and monitoring. Start by finding your city below, or call us at 1-855-272-1010.
Medical Care Alert Coverage In Texas
Coverage In Dallas, and all Texas Cities
We cover all of the Dallas metro area, and the entire State of Texas with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your city or town listed below.
 When you press your medical alert button you'll be connected to our Emergency Response Center. You'll speak with an EMT/EMD-Certified operator who knows WHO and WHERE you are. Depending on what you need, we'll contact family, neighbors, or alert life safety EMS to your location. All responders are local, getting you help fast.
Abbott, TX |
Lelia Lake, TX |
Abernathy, TX |
Leming, TX |
Abilene, TX |
Lenorah, TX |
Ace, TX |
Leona, TX |
Ackerly, TX |
Leonard, TX |
Addison, TX |
Leroy, TX |
Adkins, TX |
Levelland, TX |
Adrian, TX |
Lewisville, TX |
Afton, TX |
Lexington, TX |
Agua Dulce, TX |
Liberty, TX |
Aiken, TX |
Liberty Hill, TX |
Alamo, TX |
Lillian, TX |
Alanreed, TX |
Lincoln, TX |
Alba, TX |
Lindale, TX |
Albany, TX |
Linden, TX |
Aledo, TX |
Lindsay, TX |
Alice, TX |
Lingleville, TX |
Alief, TX |
Linn, TX |
Allen, TX |
Lipan, TX |
Alleyton, TX |
Lipscomb, TX |
Allison, TX |
Lissie, TX |
Alpine, TX |
Little Elm, TX |
Altair, TX |
Little River Academy, TX |
Alto, TX |
Littlefield, TX |
Alvarado, TX |
Liverpool, TX |
Alvin, TX |
Livingston, TX |
Alvord, TX |
Llano, TX |
Amarillo, TX |
Lockhart, TX |
Amherst, TX |
Lockney, TX |
Anahuac, TX |
Lodi, TX |
Anderson, TX |
Lohn, TX |
Andrews, TX |
Lolita, TX |
Angleton, TX |
Lometa, TX |
Anna, TX |
London, TX |
Annona, TX |
Lone Oak, TX |
Anson, TX |
Lone Star, TX |
Anthony, TX |
Long Branch, TX |
Anton, TX |
Longview, TX |
Apple Springs, TX |
Loop, TX |
Aquilla, TX |
Lopeno, TX |
Aransas Pass, TX |
Loraine, TX |
Archer City, TX |
Lorena, TX |
Argyle, TX |
Lorenzo, TX |
Arlington, TX |
Los Ebanos, TX |
Armstrong, TX |
Los Fresnos, TX |
Arp, TX |
Los Indios, TX |
Art, TX |
Lott, TX |
Artesia Wells, TX |
Louise, TX |
Arthur City, TX |
Lovelady, TX |
Asherton, TX |
Loving, TX |
Aspermont, TX |
Lowake, TX |
Atascosa, TX |
Lozano, TX |
Athens, TX |
Lubbock, TX |
Atlanta, TX |
Lueders, TX |
Aubrey, TX |
Lufkin, TX |
Austin, TX |
Luling, TX |
Austwell, TX |
Lumberton, TX |
Avalon, TX |
Lyford, TX |
Avery, TX |
Lyons, TX |
Avinger, TX |
Lytle, TX |
Avoca, TX |
Mabank, TX |
Axtell, TX |
Macdona, TX |
Azle, TX |
Madisonville, TX |
Bacliff, TX |
Magnolia, TX |
Bagwell, TX |
Malakoff, TX |
Bailey, TX |
Malone, TX |
Baird, TX |
Manchaca, TX |
Ballinger, TX |
Manor, TX |
Balmorhea, TX |
Mansfield, TX |
Bandera, TX |
Manvel, TX |
Bangs, TX |
Maple, TX |
Banquete, TX |
Marathon, TX |
Bardwell, TX |
Marble Falls, TX |
Barker, TX |
Marfa, TX |
Barksdale, TX |
Marietta, TX |
Barnhart, TX |
Marion, TX |
Barry, TX |
Markham, TX |
Barstow, TX |
Marlin, TX |
Bartlett, TX |
Marquez, TX |
Bastrop, TX |
Marshall, TX |
Batesville, TX |
Mart, TX |
Batson, TX |
Martindale, TX |
Bay City, TX |
Martinsville, TX |
Bayside, TX |
Maryneal, TX |
Baytown, TX |
Mason, TX |
Beasley, TX |
Masterson, TX |
Beaumont, TX |
Matador, TX |
Beckville, TX |
Matagorda, TX |
Bedford, TX |
Mathis, TX |
Bedias, TX |
Maud, TX |
Beeville, TX |
Mauriceville, TX |
Bellaire, TX |
Maxwell, TX |
Bellevue, TX |
May, TX |
Bells, TX |
Maydelle, TX |
Bellville, TX |
Maypearl, TX |
Belmont, TX |
Maysfield, TX |
Belton, TX |
Mc Camey, TX |
Ben Bolt, TX |
Mc Caulley, TX |
Ben Franklin, TX |
Mc Dade, TX |
Ben Wheeler, TX |
Mc Gregor, TX |
Benavides, TX |
Mc Kinney, TX |
Bend, TX |
Mc Leod, TX |
Benjamin, TX |
Mc Neil, TX |
Berclair, TX |
Mc Queeney, TX |
Bergheim, TX |
McAdoo, TX |
Bertram, TX |
McAllen, TX |
Big Bend National Park, TX |
McFaddin, TX |
Big Lake, TX |
McLean, TX |
Big Sandy, TX |
Meadow, TX |
Big Spring, TX |
Medina, TX |
Big Wells, TX |
Megargel, TX |
Bigfoot, TX |
Melissa, TX |
Bishop, TX |
Melvin, TX |
Bivins, TX |
Memphis, TX |
Blackwell, TX |
Menard, TX |
Blanco, TX |
Mentone, TX |
Blanket, TX |
Mercedes, TX |
Bledsoe, TX |
Mereta, TX |
Bleiblerville, TX |
Meridian, TX |
Blessing, TX |
Merit, TX |
Bloomburg, TX |
Merkel, TX |
Blooming Grove, TX |
Mertens, TX |
Bloomington, TX |
Mertzon, TX |
Blossom, TX |
Mesquite, TX |
Blue Ridge, TX |
Mexia, TX |
Bluegrove, TX |
Meyersville, TX |
Bluff Dale, TX |
Miami, TX |
Bluffton, TX |
Mico, TX |
Blum, TX |
Midfield, TX |
Boerne, TX |
Midkiff, TX |
Bogata, TX |
Midland, TX |
Boling, TX |
Midlothian, TX |
Bon Wier, TX |
Midway, TX |
Bonham, TX |
Milam, TX |
Booker, TX |
Milano, TX |
Borger, TX |
Miles, TX |
Bovina, TX |
Milford, TX |
Bowie, TX |
Millersview, TX |
Boyd, TX |
Millican, TX |
Boys Ranch, TX |
Millsap, TX |
Brackettville, TX |
Minden, TX |
Brady, TX |
Mineola, TX |
Brandon, TX |
Mineral, TX |
Brashear, TX |
Mineral Wells, TX |
Brazoria, TX |
Mingus, TX |
Breckenridge, TX |
Mirando City, TX |
Bremond, TX |
Mission, TX |
Brenham, TX |
Missouri City, TX |
Bridge City, TX |
Mobeetie, TX |
Bridgeport, TX |
Monahans, TX |
Briggs, TX |
Mont Belvieu, TX |
Briscoe, TX |
Montague, TX |
Broaddus, TX |
Montalba, TX |
Bronson, TX |
Montgomery, TX |
Bronte, TX |
Moody, TX |
Brookeland, TX |
Moore, TX |
Brookesmith, TX |
Moran, TX |
Brookshire, TX |
Morgan, TX |
Brookston, TX |
Morgan Mill, TX |
Brownfield, TX |
Morse, TX |
Brownsboro, TX |
Morton, TX |
Brownsville, TX |
Moscow, TX |
Brownwood, TX |
Moulton, TX |
Bruceville, TX |
Mound, TX |
Bruni, TX |
Mount Calm, TX |
Bryan, TX |
Mount Enterprise, TX |
Bryson, TX |
Mount Pleasant, TX |
Buchanan Dam, TX |
Mount Vernon, TX |
Buckholts, TX |
Mountain Home, TX |
Buda, TX |
Muenster, TX |
Buffalo, TX |
Muldoon, TX |
Buffalo Gap, TX |
Muleshoe, TX |
Bula, TX |
Mullin, TX |
Bullard, TX |
Mumford, TX |
Bulverde, TX |
Munday, TX |
Buna, TX |
Murchison, TX |
Burkburnett, TX |
Myra, TX |
Burkett, TX |
Nacogdoches, TX |
Burkeville, TX |
Nada, TX |
Burleson, TX |
Naples, TX |
Burlington, TX |
Nash, TX |
Burnet, TX |
Natalia, TX |
Burton, TX |
Navasota, TX |
Bushland, TX |
Nazareth, TX |
Byers, TX |
Neches, TX |
Bynum, TX |
Nederland, TX |
Cactus, TX |
Needville, TX |
Caddo, TX |
Nemo, TX |
Caddo Mills, TX |
Nevada, TX |
Caldwell, TX |
New Baden, TX |
Call, TX |
New Boston, TX |
Calliham, TX |
New Braunfels, TX |
Calvert, TX |
New Caney, TX |
Camden, TX |
New Deal, TX |
Cameron, TX |
New Home, TX |
Camp Wood, TX |
New London, TX |
Campbell, TX |
New Summerfield, TX |
Campbellton, TX |
New Ulm, TX |
Canadian, TX |
New Waverly, TX |
Canton, TX |
Newark, TX |
Canutillo, TX |
Newcastle, TX |
Canyon, TX |
Newgulf, TX |
Canyon Lake, TX |
Newton, TX |
Carbon, TX |
Nixon, TX |
Carlsbad, TX |
Nocona, TX |
Carlton, TX |
Nolan, TX |
Carmine, TX |
Nolanville, TX |
Carrizo Springs, TX |
Nome, TX |
Carrollton, TX |
Nordheim, TX |
Carthage, TX |
Normangee, TX |
Cason, TX |
Normanna, TX |
Castell, TX |
North Houston, TX |
Castroville, TX |
North Richland Hills, TX |
Cat Spring, TX |
North Zulch, TX |
Catarina, TX |
Norton, TX |
Cayuga, TX |
Notrees, TX |
Cedar Creek, TX |
Novice, TX |
Cedar Hill, TX |
Nursery, TX |
Cedar Lane, TX |
O Brien, TX |
Cedar Park, TX |
Oakhurst, TX |
Cee Vee, TX |
Oakland, TX |
Celeste, TX |
Oakville, TX |
Celina, TX |
Oakwood, TX |
Center, TX |
Odell, TX |
Center Point, TX |
Odem, TX |
Centerville, TX |
Odessa, TX |
Centralia, TX |
Odonnell, TX |
Chandler, TX |
Oglesby, TX |
Channelview, TX |
Oilton, TX |
Channing, TX |
Oklaunion, TX |
Chapman Ranch, TX |
Old Glory, TX |
Chappell Hill, TX |
Old Ocean, TX |
Charlotte, TX |
Olden, TX |
Chatfield, TX |
Olmito, TX |
Cherokee, TX |
Olney, TX |
Chester, TX |
Olton, TX |
Chico, TX |
Omaha, TX |
Chicota, TX |
Onalaska, TX |
Childress, TX |
Orange, TX |
Chillicothe, TX |
Orange Grove, TX |
Chilton, TX |
Orangefield, TX |
China, TX |
Orchard, TX |
China Spring, TX |
Ore City, TX |
Chireno, TX |
Orla, TX |
Chriesman, TX |
Ottine, TX |
Christine, TX |
Otto, TX |
Christoval, TX |
Ovalo, TX |
Cibolo, TX |
Overton, TX |
Cisco, TX |
Ozona, TX |
Clarendon, TX |
Paducah, TX |
Clarksville, TX |
Paige, TX |
Claude, TX |
Paint Rock, TX |
Clay, TX |
Palacios, TX |
Clayton, TX |
Palestine, TX |
Cleburne, TX |
Palmer, TX |
Cleveland, TX |
Palo Pinto, TX |
Clifton, TX |
Paluxy, TX |
Clint, TX |
Pampa, TX |
Clute, TX |
Pandora, TX |
Clyde, TX |
Panhandle, TX |
Coahoma, TX |
Panna Maria, TX |
Coldspring, TX |
Panola, TX |
Coleman, TX |
Paradise, TX |
College Station, TX |
Paris, TX |
Collegeport, TX |
Pasadena, TX |
Colleyville, TX |
Pattison, TX |
Collinsville, TX |
Pattonville, TX |
Colmesneil, TX |
Pawnee, TX |
Colorado City, TX |
Pear Valley, TX |
Columbus, TX |
Pearland, TX |
Comanche, TX |
Pearsall, TX |
Combes, TX |
Peaster, TX |
Comfort, TX |
Pecan Gap, TX |
Commerce, TX |
Pecos, TX |
Como, TX |
Peggy, TX |
Comstock, TX |
Pendleton, TX |
Concan, TX |
Penelope, TX |
Concepcion, TX |
Penitas, TX |
Concord, TX |
Pennington, TX |
Conroe, TX |
Penwell, TX |
Converse, TX |
Pep, TX |
Cookville, TX |
Perrin, TX |
Coolidge, TX |
Perry, TX |
Cooper, TX |
Perryton, TX |
Copeville, TX |
Petersburg, TX |
Coppell, TX |
Petrolia, TX |
Copperas Cove, TX |
Pettus, TX |
Corpus Christi, TX |
Petty, TX |
Corrigan, TX |
Pflugerville, TX |
Corsicana, TX |
Pharr, TX |
Cost, TX |
Pickton, TX |
Cotton Center, TX |
Pierce, TX |
Cotulla, TX |
Pilot Point, TX |
Coupland, TX |
Pinehurst, TX |
Covington, TX |
Pineland, TX |
Coyanosa, TX |
Pipe Creek, TX |
Crandall, TX |
Pittsburg, TX |
Crane, TX |
Placedo, TX |
Cranfills Gap, TX |
Plains, TX |
Crawford, TX |
Plainview, TX |
Cresson, TX |
Plano, TX |
Crockett, TX |
Plantersville, TX |
Crosby, TX |
Pleasanton, TX |
Crosbyton, TX |
Pledger, TX |
Cross Plains, TX |
Plum, TX |
Crowell, TX |
Point, TX |
Crowley, TX |
Point Comfort, TX |
Crystal City, TX |
Pointblank, TX |
Cuero, TX |
Pollok, TX |
Cumby, TX |
Ponder, TX |
Cuney, TX |
Pontotoc, TX |
Cunningham, TX |
Poolville, TX |
Cushing, TX |
Port Aransas, TX |
Cypress, TX |
Port Arthur, TX |
D Hanis, TX |
Port Bolivar, TX |
Daingerfield, TX |
Port Isabel, TX |
Daisetta, TX |
Port Lavaca, TX |
Dale, TX |
Port Mansfield, TX |
Dalhart, TX |
Port Neches, TX |
Dallardsville, TX |
Port O Connor, TX |
Dallas, TX |
Porter, TX |
Damon, TX |
Portland, TX |
Danbury, TX |
Post, TX |
Danciger, TX |
Poteet, TX |
Danevang, TX |
Poth, TX |
Darrouzett, TX |
Pottsboro, TX |
Davilla, TX |
Pottsville, TX |
Dawn, TX |
Powderly, TX |
Dawson, TX |
Powell, TX |
Dayton, TX |
Poynor, TX |
De Berry, TX |
Prairie Hill, TX |
De Kalb, TX |
Prairie Lea, TX |
De Leon, TX |
Prairie View, TX |
Deanville, TX |
Premont, TX |
Decatur, TX |
Presidio, TX |
Deer Park, TX |
Price, TX |
Del Rio, TX |
Priddy, TX |
Del Valle, TX |
Princeton, TX |
Dell City, TX |
Proctor, TX |
Delmita, TX |
Progreso, TX |
Denison, TX |
Prosper, TX |
Dennis, TX |
Purdon, TX |
Denton, TX |
Purmela, TX |
Denver City, TX |
Putnam, TX |
Deport, TX |
Pyote, TX |
Desdemona, TX |
Quail, TX |
Desoto, TX |
Quanah, TX |
Detroit, TX |
Queen City, TX |
Devers, TX |
Quemado, TX |
Devine, TX |
Quinlan, TX |
Deweyville, TX |
Quitaque, TX |
Diana, TX |
Quitman, TX |
Diboll, TX |
Rainbow, TX |
Dickens, TX |
Ralls, TX |
Dickinson, TX |
Randolph, TX |
Dike, TX |
Ranger, TX |
Dilley, TX |
Rankin, TX |
Dime Box, TX |
Ransom Canyon, TX |
Dimmitt, TX |
Ratcliff, TX |
Dinero, TX |
Ravenna, TX |
Dobbin, TX |
Raymondville, TX |
Dodd City, TX |
Raywood, TX |
Dodge, TX |
Reagan, TX |
Dodson, TX |
Realitos, TX |
Donie, TX |
Red Oak, TX |
Donna, TX |
Red Rock, TX |
Doole, TX |
Redford, TX |
Doss, TX |
Redwater, TX |
Doucette, TX |
Refugio, TX |
Dougherty, TX |
Reklaw, TX |
Douglass, TX |
Rhome, TX |
Douglassville, TX |
Rice, TX |
Driftwood, TX |
Richards, TX |
Dripping Springs, TX |
Richardson, TX |
Driscoll, TX |
Richland, TX |
Dryden, TX |
Richland Springs, TX |
Dublin, TX |
Richmond, TX |
Dumas, TX |
Riesel, TX |
Dumont, TX |
Ringgold, TX |
Duncanville, TX |
Rio Frio, TX |
Dunn, TX |
Rio Grande City, TX |
Dyess AFB, TX |
Rio Hondo, TX |
Eagle Lake, TX |
Rio Medina, TX |
Eagle Pass, TX |
Rio Vista, TX |
Early, TX |
Rising Star, TX |
Earth, TX |
Riverside, TX |
East Bernard, TX |
Riviera, TX |
Eastland, TX |
Roanoke, TX |
Easton, TX |
Roans Prairie, TX |
Ecleto, TX |
Roaring Springs, TX |
Ector, TX |
Robert Lee, TX |
Edcouch, TX |
Robstown, TX |
Eddy, TX |
Roby, TX |
Eden, TX |
Rochelle, TX |
Edgewood, TX |
Rochester, TX |
Edinburg, TX |
Rock Island, TX |
Edmonson, TX |
Rockdale, TX |
Edna, TX |
Rockport, TX |
Edroy, TX |
Rocksprings, TX |
Egypt, TX |
Rockwall, TX |
El Campo, TX |
Rockwood, TX |
El Indio, TX |
Rogers, TX |
El Paso, TX |
Roma, TX |
Eldorado, TX |
Romayor, TX |
Electra, TX |
Roosevelt, TX |
Elgin, TX |
Ropesville, TX |
Elkhart, TX |
Rosanky, TX |
Ellinger, TX |
Roscoe, TX |
Elm Mott, TX |
Rosebud, TX |
Elmaton, TX |
Rosenberg, TX |
Elmendorf, TX |
Rosharon, TX |
Elmo, TX |
Ross, TX |
Elsa, TX |
Rosser, TX |
Elysian Fields, TX |
Rosston, TX |
Emory, TX |
Rotan, TX |
Encinal, TX |
Round Mountain, TX |
Encino, TX |
Round Rock, TX |
Energy, TX |
Round Top, TX |
Enloe, TX |
Rowena, TX |
Ennis, TX |
Rowlett, TX |
Enochs, TX |
Roxton, TX |
Eola, TX |
Royse City, TX |
Era, TX |
Rule, TX |
Estelline, TX |
Runge, TX |
Etoile, TX |
Rusk, TX |
Euless, TX |
Rye, TX |
Eustace, TX |
Sabinal, TX |
Evadale, TX |
Sabine Pass, TX |
Evant, TX |
Sachse, TX |
Fabens, TX |
Sacul, TX |
Fairfield, TX |
Sadler, TX |
Falcon Heights, TX |
Saint Hedwig, TX |
Falfurrias, TX |
Saint Jo, TX |
Falls City, TX |
Salado, TX |
Fannin, TX |
Salineno, TX |
Farmersville, TX |
Salt Flat, TX |
Farnsworth, TX |
Saltillo, TX |
Farwell, TX |
Samnorwood, TX |
Fate, TX |
San Angelo, TX |
Fayetteville, TX |
San Antonio, TX |
Fentress, TX |
San Augustine, TX |
Ferris, TX |
San Benito, TX |
Fieldton, TX |
San Diego, TX |
Fischer, TX |
San Elizario, TX |
Flat, TX |
San Felipe, TX |
Flatonia, TX |
San Isidro, TX |
Flint, TX |
San Juan, TX |
Flomot, TX |
San Marcos, TX |
Florence, TX |
San Perlita, TX |
Floresville, TX |
San Saba, TX |
Flower Mound, TX |
San Ygnacio, TX |
Floydada, TX |
Sanderson, TX |
Fluvanna, TX |
Sandia, TX |
Flynn, TX |
Sanford, TX |
Follett, TX |
Sanger, TX |
Forestburg, TX |
Santa Anna, TX |
Forney, TX |
Santa Elena, TX |
Forreston, TX |
Santa Fe, TX |
Forsan, TX |
Santa Maria, TX |
Fort Davis, TX |
Santa Rosa, TX |
Fort Hancock, TX |
Santo, TX |
Fort Mc Kavett, TX |
Saragosa, TX |
Fort Stockton, TX |
Saratoga, TX |
Fort Worth, TX |
Sarita, TX |
Fowlerton, TX |
Satin, TX |
Francitas, TX |
Savoy, TX |
Franklin, TX |
Schertz, TX |
Frankston, TX |
Schulenburg, TX |
Fred, TX |
Schwertner, TX |
Fredericksburg, TX |
Scotland, TX |
Fredonia, TX |
Scottsville, TX |
Freeport, TX |
Scroggins, TX |
Freer, TX |
Scurry, TX |
Fresno, TX |
Seabrook, TX |
Friendswood, TX |
Seadrift, TX |
Friona, TX |
Seagoville, TX |
Frisco, TX |
Seagraves, TX |
Fritch, TX |
Sealy, TX |
Frost, TX |
Sebastian, TX |
Fruitvale, TX |
Seguin, TX |
Fulshear, TX |
Selman City, TX |
Fulton, TX |
Seminole, TX |
Gail, TX |
Seymour, TX |
Gainesville, TX |
Shallowater, TX |
Galena Park, TX |
Shamrock, TX |
Gallatin, TX |
Sheffield, TX |
Galveston, TX |
Shelbyville, TX |
Ganado, TX |
Shepherd, TX |
Garciasville, TX |
Sheppard AFB, TX |
Garden City, TX |
Sheridan, TX |
Gardendale, TX |
Sherman, TX |
Garland, TX |
Shiner, TX |
Garrison, TX |
Shiro, TX |
Garwood, TX |
Sidney, TX |
Gary, TX |
Sierra Blanca, TX |
Gatesville, TX |
Silsbee, TX |
Gause, TX |
Silver, TX |
Geneva, TX |
Silverton, TX |
George West, TX |
Simms, TX |
Georgetown, TX |
Simonton, TX |
Geronimo, TX |
Sinton, TX |
Giddings, TX |
Skellytown, TX |
Gilchrist, TX |
Skidmore, TX |
Gillett, TX |
Slaton, TX |
Gilmer, TX |
Slidell, TX |
Girard, TX |
Smiley, TX |
Girvin, TX |
Smithville, TX |
Gladewater, TX |
Smyer, TX |
Glen Flora, TX |
Snook, TX |
Glen Rose, TX |
Snyder, TX |
Glidden, TX |
Somerset, TX |
Gober, TX |
Somerville, TX |
Godley, TX |
Sonora, TX |
Golden, TX |
Sour Lake, TX |
Goldsboro, TX |
South Bend, TX |
Goldsmith, TX |
South Houston, TX |
Goldthwaite, TX |
South Padre Island, TX |
Goliad, TX |
South Plains, TX |
Gonzales, TX |
Southlake, TX |
Goodfellow AFB, TX |
Southmayd, TX |
Goodrich, TX |
Spade, TX |
Gordon, TX |
Spearman, TX |
Gordonville, TX |
Spicewood, TX |
Goree, TX |
Splendora, TX |
Gorman, TX |
Spring, TX |
Gouldbusk, TX |
Spring Branch, TX |
Graford, TX |
Springlake, TX |
Graham, TX |
Springtown, TX |
Granbury, TX |
Spur, TX |
Grand Prairie, TX |
Spurger, TX |
Grand Saline, TX |
Stafford, TX |
Grandfalls, TX |
Stamford, TX |
Grandview, TX |
Stanton, TX |
Granger, TX |
Staples, TX |
Grapeland, TX |
Star, TX |
Grapevine, TX |
Stephenville, TX |
Greenville, TX |
Sterling City, TX |
Greenwood, TX |
Stinnett, TX |
Gregory, TX |
Stockdale, TX |
Groesbeck, TX |
Stonewall, TX |
Groom, TX |
Stowell, TX |
Groves, TX |
Stratford, TX |
Groveton, TX |
Strawn, TX |
Grulla, TX |
Streetman, TX |
Gruver, TX |
Sublime, TX |
Guerra, TX |
Sudan, TX |
Gunter, TX |
Sugar Land, TX |
Gustine, TX |
Sullivan City, TX |
Guthrie, TX |
Sulphur Bluff, TX |
Guy, TX |
Sulphur Springs, TX |
Hale Center, TX |
Summerfield, TX |
Hallettsville, TX |
Sumner, TX |
Hallsville, TX |
Sundown, TX |
Haltom City, TX |
Sunnyvale, TX |
Hamilton, TX |
Sunray, TX |
Hamlin, TX |
Sunset, TX |
Hamshire, TX |
Sutherland Springs, TX |
Hankamer, TX |
Sweeny, TX |
Happy, TX |
Sweet Home, TX |
Hardin, TX |
Sweetwater, TX |
Hargill, TX |
Sylvester, TX |
Harker Heights, TX |
Taft, TX |
Harleton, TX |
Tahoka, TX |
Harlingen, TX |
Talco, TX |
Harper, TX |
Talpa, TX |
Harrold, TX |
Tarpley, TX |
Hart, TX |
Tarzan, TX |
Hartley, TX |
Tatum, TX |
Harwood, TX |
Taylor, TX |
Haskell, TX |
Teague, TX |
Haslet, TX |
Tehuacana, TX |
Hawkins, TX |
Telegraph, TX |
Hawley, TX |
Telephone, TX |
Hearne, TX |
Telferner, TX |
Hebbronville, TX |
Tell, TX |
Hedley, TX |
Temple, TX |
Heidenheimer, TX |
Tenaha, TX |
Helotes, TX |
Tennessee Colony, TX |
Hemphill, TX |
Tennyson, TX |
Hempstead, TX |
Terlingua, TX |
Henderson, TX |
Terrell, TX |
Henrietta, TX |
Texarkana, TX |
Hereford, TX |
Texas City, TX |
Hermleigh, TX |
Texline, TX |
Hewitt, TX |
The Colony, TX |
Hext, TX |
Thicket, TX |
Hico, TX |
Thomaston, TX |
Hidalgo, TX |
Thompsons, TX |
Higgins, TX |
Thorndale, TX |
High Island, TX |
Thornton, TX |
Highlands, TX |
Thrall, TX |
Hillister, TX |
Three Rivers, TX |
Hillsboro, TX |
Throckmorton, TX |
Hitchcock, TX |
Tilden, TX |
Hobson, TX |
Timpson, TX |
Hochheim, TX |
Tioga, TX |
Hockley, TX |
Tivoli, TX |
Holland, TX |
Tokio, TX |
Holliday, TX |
Tolar, TX |
Hondo, TX |
Tom Bean, TX |
Honey Grove, TX |
Tomball, TX |
Hooks, TX |
Tornillo, TX |
Houston, TX |
Tow, TX |
Howe, TX |
Toyah, TX |
Hubbard, TX |
Toyahvale, TX |
Huffman, TX |
Trent, TX |
Hufsmith, TX |
Trenton, TX |
Hughes Springs, TX |
Trinidad, TX |
Hull, TX |
Trinity, TX |
Humble, TX |
Troup, TX |
Hungerford, TX |
Troy, TX |
Hunt, TX |
Tuleta, TX |
Huntington, TX |
Tulia, TX |
Huntsville, TX |
Turkey, TX |
Hurst, TX |
Tuscola, TX |
Hutchins, TX |
Tye, TX |
Hutto, TX |
Tyler, TX |
Hye, TX |
Tynan, TX |
Idalou, TX |
Umbarger, TX |
Imperial, TX |
Universal City, TX |
Industry, TX |
Utopia, TX |
Inez, TX |
Uvalde, TX |
Ingleside, TX |
Valentine, TX |
Ingram, TX |
Valera, TX |
Iola, TX |
Valley Mills, TX |
Iowa Park, TX |
Valley Spring, TX |
Ira, TX |
Valley View, TX |
Iraan, TX |
Van, TX |
Iredell, TX |
Van Alstyne, TX |
Irene, TX |
Van Horn, TX |
Irving, TX |
Van Vleck, TX |
Italy, TX |
Vancourt, TX |
Itasca, TX |
Vanderbilt, TX |
Ivanhoe, TX |
Vanderpool, TX |
Jacksboro, TX |
Vega, TX |
Jacksonville, TX |
Venus, TX |
Jarrell, TX |
Veribest, TX |
Jasper, TX |
Vernon, TX |
Jayton, TX |
Victoria, TX |
Jefferson, TX |
Vidor, TX |
Jermyn, TX |
Village Mills, TX |
Jewett, TX |
Voca, TX |
Joaquin, TX |
Von Ormy, TX |
Johnson City, TX |
Voss, TX |
Joinerville, TX |
Votaw, TX |
Jonesboro, TX |
Voth, TX |
Jonesville, TX |
Waco, TX |
Josephine, TX |
Wadsworth, TX |
Joshua, TX |
Waelder, TX |
Jourdanton, TX |
Waka, TX |
Judson, TX |
Walburg, TX |
Junction, TX |
Wall, TX |
Justiceburg, TX |
Waller, TX |
Justin, TX |
Wallis, TX |
Kamay, TX |
Wallisville, TX |
Karnack, TX |
Walnut Springs, TX |
Karnes City, TX |
Warda, TX |
Katy, TX |
Waring, TX |
Kaufman, TX |
Warren, TX |
Keene, TX |
Warrenton, TX |
Keller, TX |
Washington, TX |
Kemah, TX |
Waskom, TX |
Kemp, TX |
Water Valley, TX |
Kempner, TX |
Waxahachie, TX |
Kendalia, TX |
Wayside, TX |
Kendleton, TX |
Weatherford, TX |
Kenedy, TX |
Webster, TX |
Kennard, TX |
Weesatche, TX |
Kennedale, TX |
Weimar, TX |
Kenney, TX |
Weinert, TX |
Kerens, TX |
Weir, TX |
Kermit, TX |
Welch, TX |
Kerrick, TX |
Wellborn, TX |
Kerrville, TX |
Wellington, TX |
Kildare, TX |
Wellman, TX |
Kilgore, TX |
Wells, TX |
Killeen, TX |
Weslaco, TX |
Kingsbury, TX |
West, TX |
Kingsland, TX |
West Columbia, TX |
Kingsville, TX |
West Point, TX |
Kirbyville, TX |
Westbrook, TX |
Kirvin, TX |
Westhoff, TX |
Klondike, TX |
Westminster, TX |
Knickerbocker, TX |
Weston, TX |
Knippa, TX |
Wharton, TX |
Knott, TX |
Wheeler, TX |
Knox City, TX |
Wheelock, TX |
Kopperl, TX |
White Deer, TX |
Kosse, TX |
White Oak, TX |
Kountze, TX |
Whiteface, TX |
Kress, TX |
Whitehouse, TX |
Krum, TX |
Whitesboro, TX |
Kurten, TX |
Whitewright, TX |
Kyle, TX |
Whitharral, TX |
La Blanca, TX |
Whitney, TX |
La Coste, TX |
Whitsett, TX |
La Feria, TX |
Whitt, TX |
La Grange, TX |
Wichita Falls, TX |
La Joya, TX |
Wickett, TX |
La Marque, TX |
Wiergate, TX |
La Porte, TX |
Wildorado, TX |
La Pryor, TX |
Willis, TX |
La Salle, TX |
Willow City, TX |
La Vernia, TX |
Wills Point, TX |
La Villa, TX |
Wilmer, TX |
La Ward, TX |
Wilson, TX |
Ladonia, TX |
Wimberley, TX |
Laguna Park, TX |
Windom, TX |
Laird Hill, TX |
Windthorst, TX |
Lake Creek, TX |
Winfield, TX |
Lake Dallas, TX |
Wingate, TX |
Lake Jackson, TX |
Wink, TX |
Lakeview, TX |
Winnie, TX |
Lamesa, TX |
Winnsboro, TX |
Lampasas, TX |
Winona, TX |
Lancaster, TX |
Winters, TX |
Lane City, TX |
Woden, TX |
Laneville, TX |
Wolfe City, TX |
Langtry, TX |
The Woodlands, TX |
Laredo, TX |
Woodlake, TX |
Larue, TX |
Woodlawn, TX |
Lasara, TX |
Woodsboro, TX |
Latexo, TX |
Woodson, TX |
Laughlin A F B, TX |
Woodville, TX |
Lavon, TX |
Woodway, TX |
Lawn, TX |
Wortham, TX |
Lazbuddie, TX |
Wrightsboro, TX |
League City, TX |
Wylie, TX |
Leakey, TX |
Yancey, TX |
Leander, TX |
Yantis, TX |
Ledbetter, TX |
Yoakum, TX |
Leesburg, TX |
Yorktown, TX |
Leesville, TX |
Zapata, TX |
Lefors, TX |
Zavalla, TX |
Leggett, TX |
Zephyr, TX |
Coverage In Dallas County, Texas And All Texas Counties
We cover all of Dallas County, Texas and the surrounding counties including Collin, Delta, Denton, Ellis, Hunt, Johnson, Kaufman, Parker, Rockwall, Tarrant and Wise. We serve the entire State of Texas with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your county listed below.
Anderson County |
Karnes County |
Andrews County |
Kaufman County |
Angelina County |
Kendall County |
Aransas County |
Kenedy County |
Archer County |
Kent County |
Armstrong County |
Kerr County |
Atascosa County |
Kimble County |
Austin County |
King County |
Bailey County |
Kinney County |
Bandera County |
Kleberg County |
Bastrop County |
Knox County |
Baylor County |
La Salle County |
Bee County |
Lamar County |
Bell County |
Lamb County |
Bexar County |
Lampasas County |
Blanco County |
Lavaca County |
Borden County |
Lee County |
Bosque County |
Leon County |
Bowie County |
Liberty County |
Brazoria County |
Limestone County |
Brazos County |
Lipscomb County |
Brewster County |
Live Oak County |
Briscoe County |
Llano County |
Brooks County |
Loving County |
Brown County |
Lubbock County |
Burleson County |
Lynn County |
Burnet County |
Madison County |
Caldwell County |
Marion County |
Calhoun County |
Martin County |
Callahan County |
Mason County |
Cameron County |
Matagorda County |
Camp County |
Maverick County |
Carson County |
McCulloch County |
Cass County |
McLennan County |
Castro County |
McMullen County |
Chambers County |
Medina County |
Cherokee County |
Menard County |
Childress County |
Midland County |
Clay County |
Milam County |
Cochran County |
Mills County |
Coke County |
Mitchell County |
Coleman County |
Montague County |
Collin County |
Montgomery County |
Collingsworth County |
Moore County |
Colorado County |
Morris County |
Comal County |
Motley County |
Comanche County |
Nacogdoches County |
Concho County |
Navarro County |
Cooke County |
Newton County |
Coryell County |
Nolan County |
Cottle County |
Nueces County |
Crane County |
Ochiltree County |
Crockett County |
Oldham County |
Crosby County |
Orange County |
Culberson County |
Palo Pinto County |
Dallam County |
Panola County |
Dallas County |
Parker County |
Dawson County |
Parmer County |
De Witt County |
Pecos County |
Deaf Smith County |
Polk County |
Delta County |
Potter County |
Denton County |
Presidio County |
Dickens County |
Rains County |
Dimmit County |
Randall County |
Donley County |
Reagan County |
Duval County |
Real County |
Eastland County |
Red River County |
Ector County |
Reeves County |
Edwards County |
Refugio County |
El Paso County |
Roberts County |
Ellis County |
Robertson County |
Erath County |
Rockwall County |
Falls County |
Runnels County |
Fannin County |
Rusk County |
Fayette County |
Sabine County |
Fisher County |
San Augustine County |
Floyd County |
San Jacinto County |
Foard County |
San Patricio County |
Fort Bend County |
San Saba County |
Franklin County |
Schleicher County |
Freestone County |
Scurry County |
Frio County |
Shackelford County |
Gaines County |
Shelby County |
Galveston County |
Sherman County |
Garza County |
Smith County |
Gillespie County |
Somervell County |
Glasscock County |
Starr County |
Goliad County |
Stephens County |
Gonzales County |
Sterling County |
Gray County |
Stonewall County |
Grayson County |
Sutton County |
Gregg County |
Swisher County |
Grimes County |
Tarrant County |
Guadalupe County |
Taylor County |
Hale County |
Terrell County |
Hall County |
Terry County |
Hamilton County |
Throckmorton County |
Hansford County |
Titus County |
Hardeman County |
Tom Green County |
Hardin County |
Travis County |
Harris County |
Trinity County |
Harrison County |
Tyler County |
Hartley County |
Upshur County |
Haskell County |
Upton County |
Hays County |
Uvalde County |
Hemphill County |
Val Verde County |
Henderson County |
Van Zandt County |
Hidalgo County |
Victoria County |
Hill County |
Walker County |
Hockley County |
Waller County |
Hood County |
Ward County |
Hopkins County |
Washington County |
Houston County |
Webb County |
Howard County |
Wharton County |
Hudspeth County |
Wheeler County |
Hunt County |
Wichita County |
Hutchinson County |
Wilbarger County |
Irion County |
Willacy County |
Jack County |
Williamson County |
Jackson County |
Wilson County |
Jasper County |
Winkler County |
Jeff Davis County |
Wise County |
Jefferson County |
Wood County |
Jim Hogg County |
Yoakum County |
Jim Wells County |
Young County |
Johnson County |
Zapata County |
Jones County |
Zavala County |
Coverage in Texas by Zip Code
We ship via USPS Priority Mail to all Texas Zip Codes - If you require overnight shipping, or don't see your zip code listed below please call us at 1-855-272-1010.
We cover the entire State of Texas with our Medical Alert Monitoring Service - please call 1-855-272-1010 if you don't see your zip code listed below.
73301 |
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73344 |
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What resources are available for elderly seniors in Dallas, Texas?
While not an exhaustive list, below are some agencies in Texas that can help you get started.
- Dallas County Health and Human Services
DCHHS Older Adult Services Program offers socializing opportunities and more independence for Dallas County residents 60 years and older. Call 214-819-2000 or visit
Dallas County DCHHS Older Adult Services
- City of Dallas Office of Community Care
Referral and information to all seniors that reside within the City of Dallas. Seniors are invited to call the Senior Help Line at (214) 670-5227.
How much does a medical alert system in Dallas, Texas cost?
The medical alert button cost is included in the price of your medical alert system - prices range from $27.45 to $45.79 a month for service. Our "HOME" annual plan pricing is just $27.45 a month. If you need an extra medical alert button, they are available for a small cost of $29.95 - $60.00 depending on the system type, click here to see the HOME Medical Alert Button. For around $1 a day, you or your loved one will be protected and able to continue living independently.
Can the button go with me if I move or am on vacation?
You can easily take our "HOME" medical alert system with you on vacation, or if you are a SnowBird. It is very easy to unplug and re-install. Simply notify Medical Care Alert Customer Service at 877-913-3680 of your current location. Information can be changed anytime and as many times as needed at no charge.
Our "HOME & AWAY" systems can be taken anywhere in Dallas, anywhere in Texas where there is cellular service, and throughout the USA. You will be protected anywhere you have coverage with the AT&T or Verizon cellular network.
Dallas, Texas Fun Fact: Dallas is a hotbed for innovation and inventors. The integrated circuit computer chip (which became the microchip) was invented in Dallas, as was the first frozen Margarita machine!
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