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Choosing An Alert Device For Elderly Parents: A Comparison Guide

Choosing An Alert Device For Elderly Parents: A Comparison Guide

Medical Care Alert on Jun 21st 2022

Comparing alert devices for elderly parents or family members can be confusing.  Here are the top things to look for.

senior-woman-computer.pngIf you've begun comparing medical alert devices for your elderly parents you have lots to choose from, and a few big decisions to make!  You want something that will be easy for them to use, and give everyone peace of mind knowing they can get help in an emergency.

Before we go into the different options to choose from, let's review what goes into a medical alert system:

  • Emergency Help Button
    • Your family member will have an emergency help button to wear, typically around their neck as a pendant or on their wrist as a bracelet.  When they need help, they simply press the button.
  • Two-Way Voice Communication
    • Once the emergency help button has been pressed, it will initiate two-way voice communication with the Emergency Response Center.  For an in-home system, this is typically done through a speakerphone connected to the home landline (or via cellular if no landline in the home).  Mobile medical alert systems with GPS tracking will have a small cellular alert device with speakerphone built in (more on this later!).
  • Emergency Response CenterEmergency Response Center Medical Care Alert
    • Once the emergency help button is pressed and the medical alert device sends a signal to the emergency response center, your loved one will speak with an operator who will ask if they need help.  Depending on their response, the emergency response center agent may either notify a friend or family member, or in an emergency they will dispatch EMS/Police/Fire help as needed.
  • Family Notification
    • Upon dispatching help, the emergency response center agent will notify family and others on the notification list that help has been sent to your loved one's location.

How To Choose A Medical Alert Device for Seniors

Most of us take our health for granted. We go about our day, do what we usually do, and underestimate the importance of good health. But in an emergency, that all changes.

best medical alert system

If you’re like most people, you probably have a few different medical alert devices at home. Depending on the type of emergency you’re in, each one might work better than the last. In this blog post, we will help you choose the right medical alert device for you and explain the different features and benefits of each one. Armed with this information, you will be able to make an informed decision about which one is best for you.

What to consider when choosing a medical alert device

In choosing an alert device for elderly parents, it's important to make sure the service you choose covers all those basic feature and will meet their lifestyle needs. Here are some important considerations:

  • Do they need coverage just at home, or everywhere they go?
    • If just at home, you'll want an in-home medical alert system that has sufficient range to protect them in and around the home and yard. For example, make sure the button range will extend to the mail box or garden area where they might fall and need help.
    • If they are active and need coverage everywhere they go with GPS tracking, you'll want a mobile medical alert system with GPS and cellular communication. These alert devices work everywhere there is cellular coverage and provide tracking and location services so that emergency services can be dispatched to their exact location.
    • Some active seniors may prefer a smart watch with fall detection and GPS to wear on their wrist, and get the additional benefit of a built in pedometer and other useful features.
    • Our GPS devices come with a smartphone app for caregivers to track the device location, get notifications when they leave or arrive home, low battery alerts and more.
  • Do they need Automatic Fall Detection?
    • Automatic fall alert detection means the emergency help button has sensors that can detect rapid changes in movement, indicating a fall. When a fall is detected, the button will initiate the call to the emergency response center by itself.
    • Automatic fall detection is useful for folks who frequently fall, are prone to blackouts, or otherwise might not be able to press the emergency help button on their own.
    • Note that fall detection is not 100% guaranteed and that the wearer should always press their button if they are able to. For example, slumping out of a chair might put someone on the floor but there is not enough motion to set off the sensors to indicate a fall occurred.
  • Will they wear their emergency help button?
    • Make sure they are comfortable wearing an emergency help button. If they won't wear it, it won't be available to them in an emergency situation. Help alarms for seniors work best if they are wearing the button. Some families will add wall mounted buttons in the bathroom and other areas where they might fall.
  • Do they lose power at their home?
    • If they lose power at their home, will they also lose their telephone line? In those cases we recommend a cellular based system so they can still reach emergency services during a power outage. For example, our in-home HOME system with cellular communication built in also has a 24 hour battery back up - this allows your folks to press the button and get help during a power outage. It works independently of their personal cell phones, so no cell phone or additional contract is needed.
  • How will EMS enter the home if the doors are locked?EMS Ambulance
    • This is a common question we get: will EMS break down the door if it's locked? The short answer is: YES!
    • If you live in an apartment or condo, your building likely has a "Knox Box" or similar way for EMS to enter the building and apartment with a master key, preventing the need to break down a door. Check with your building management to make certain this is available for emergency services.
    • In a free-standing home or other situation without a "Knox Box" we provide a combination lock Lock Box to hide a key. When EMS is dispatched, we provide the location and secret combination code so they can access the key and not have to force entry into the home. The lock box relieves the concern many families have about getting a medical alert system for seniors that could cause damage to their door.

Medical alert devices for seniors can summon help for any reason: medical, police or fire emergencies are most common. The majority of emergency help alert button presses are for falls, followed by shortness of breath and general illness. It's comforting to know your elderly loved one can get help at the touch of a button 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including all holidays.

Types of Medical Alert Devices Available

There are a few things to consider when choosing the right medical alert system for you. First, what type of medical alerts do you need? There are two main types: continuous and event-based. Continuous medical alerts send notifications regardless of whether or not an alarm is triggered, while event-based medical alerts only send notifications if an alarm is triggered. Second, what level of service are you looking for? There are three levels: basic, standard, and premium. Finally, what features will you need? Some systems have more features than others.

There are a variety of types of alert devices available for elderly loved ones. Some families choose to use a video monitor as their primary form of alert. This type of device will allow family members to see and hear what is happening in the room where the elderly loved one is sleeping or residing. Video monitors can be purchased with built-in alarm clocks, which can provide seniors with an additional sense of security.

Another option for elder caregivers is a home security system with motion sensors and cameras. These systems will send notifications and recordings when activity is detected in the area around the home. Home security systems can be expensive, but they may be worth it if you want to be sure that your loved one is safe and secure. Some families choose to use an audible alert device like a smoke detector or CO detector as their primary form of alert. These devices will emit an alarm when they reach their activation threshold, which usually means that something has gone wrong inside the home. It is important to note that these alarms are not always foolproof; sometimes they will go off even if there is no danger present. It is important to consult with your elderly loved one's physician about the best way to protect them from potential health risks caused by false alarms.

It is also important to consider other factors when choosing an alert device for an elderly loved one. For example, some people might prefer a device that requires minimal setup time or doesn't require batteries or electricity. Others might prefer a device that is easy to use and doesn't require a lot of technical knowledge.

What to do if you lose your medical alert device

If you lose your medical alert device, there are a few things you can do to ensure you have a backup should an emergency arise. To begin with, it's important to make sure you have at least two copies of your medical alert device's activation code. This code is what allows responders to activate the alarm if necessary. You should also keep a copy of your medical alert device’s manual somewhere safe, in case you need to refer to it during an emergency. Finally, make sure to keep your registration information up-to-date so that responders can locate and activate your alarm in the event of an emergency.


If you're ever in a situation where you need medical help, it's important to have the right type of medical alert device. Not all devices are created equal, and some might be more appropriate for certain situations than others. In this article, we'll outline the different types of medical alert devices and discuss which one might be best for you. After reading this article, hopefully you'll have a better understanding of how to choose the right medical alert device for your needs and be prepared to use it if necessary.